7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Tree Service and Certified Arborist

Trees enhance your home, property, and your life! They deserve the help of a professional tree service.

If you are lucky enough to enjoy trees around your home, you know how wonderfully they enhance your property. They provide beauty, shade, and shelter from the wind. They also provide lovely habitat for birdlife and other wildlife. Importantly, they also help stop soil erosion and improve the air quality for your entire community.

But, an essential part of keeping healthy, safe, and thriving trees around your home is proper care and maintenance. In fact, without proper care, your trees can become damaged or unhealthy and pose a risk to you, your home, and other surrounding homes and structures. 

Consider your trees an investment that requires the appropriate tree care. Pruning, branch and tree removal and other work can be very specialized and even dangerous, particularly for larger trees. When you hire a professional tree service and a certified arborist, they ensure that your trees receive the proper care, with attention to safety for you, your home, and the public, so that they stay healthy and robust, year-round, for as long as possible.  

What is a Certified Arborist? 

Green Leaf Tree Services currently has three ISA certified arborists on staff! 

An ISA certified arborist is a recognized tree care professional who has learned about tree biology, diagnosis, maintenance practices, safety, and more to ensure proper tree care.

The education is ongoing to maintain the certification, so you can rest assured that they keep current about the latest techniques in arboriculture.  

Services an Arborist can Provide

A certified arborist can help homeowners maintain their beloved trees by offering the following services:

  • Pruning. An arborist will determine the pruning necessary. Trees often need pruning to maintain and improve their appearance, health, and safety.

  • Tree removal. Tree removal can be dangerous on your own. An arborist is the best choice when you have to remove a tree that is dead or dying, poses a particular risk, causes an obstruction, or is crowding other trees.

  • Emergency tree care. It's not unusual for trees to incur damage from storms and extreme weather. Pruning or removing these trees can be dangerous. However, a certified arborist can do the job safely as they minimize any further risk of damage to you, your property, or the public.

  • Planting. Giving your new, young tree the healthy start it needs to grow into a healthy, strong, and happy full-sized tree can be challenging. An arborist can plant your trees to ensure they have the best chance to make it to maturity.

  • Other possible services:

    • Bracing and cabling to provide additional support

    • Preventative maintenance and plant health care

    • Soil aeration to improve and enhance root growth

Why you should hire a professional tree service

A professional tree service and certified arborist offer the best expertise, experience, and equipment to ensure your trees get the best care possible. Here are seven reasons you should hire a professional for the proper care and maintenance of your trees: 

The right equipment for the job

Not only is safe and professional tree service a highly specialized trade that requires a lot of skill and experience, but it also requires industry-specific tools and equipment.

When you attempt to prune or cut the trees on your property on your own, you do so at tremendous risk. It's also a very labour-intensive and time-consuming job. It's a project best left to a professional. Without the tools and experience required to do the job safely, you risk injuring yourself, someone else, or the surrounding property.

From wood chippers to chainsaws to climbing gear, a professional tree service comes equipped with the most up-to-date equipment needed to do the job right. Safely. Additionally, a service has all the necessary equipment to dispose of branches and debris, so you don't have to.

Reduces the risk of possible accident and injury

Specialized expertise and equipment are essential, and a certified arborist and professional tree service will do the work with the utmost care, with safety as the top priority. When you hire a professional tree service, you significantly reduce the risk of an accident or injury. 

It's often too dangerous for a homeowner to properly remove trees and branches. Trees, branches and debris can easily fall on homes and other structures, vehicles, and people. You can also damage other surrounding trees, shrubs, and plants.

When your trees go unmaintained, they can also threaten nearby structures and homes, including the roof, siding or foundation. When there's structural damage, you run an increased risk of decay and issues such as flooding in the attic or basement.

Helps to prevent pests and other critters

Trees that go without care and maintenance can be a breeding ground for insects such as aphids, the pine bark beetle, and other pests. They're also vulnerable to rodents like squirrels, rabbits, and voles.

Yes, some wildlife contributes to the health of your trees (i.e. some animals consume pests that can harm trees), too many critters can upset the balance and cause various problems, not just to your trees but potentially to your home and family.

Pests that take over trees can seriously compromise their health and strength. They can leave trees vulnerable to fire and other disasters. Your favourite tree service, with their expert and strategic removal and pruning, can prevent pests and animals from weakening damaging your trees.

Identify issues with your trees

Did you know? There are a variety of diseases and insects that can plague trees. For most homeowners, for example, it can be challenging to determine why leaves have developed spots.

You have to treat issues or diseases as soon as possible. Early detection can mean life or death—literally—when it comes to your trees.

A certified arborist and professional tree service can execute regular maintenance on your trees. With their knowledge and expertise, they can identify if any of your trees have health issues that require immediate attention. 

Maintains the health of trees

More than simply an eyesore, dead branches can impact the health of your trees. Depending on why the branches have decayed or died, disease can spread to other areas of the tree and other nearby trees if left untreated.

A professional service can do more than prune and cut trees. An arborist brings vast knowledge, expertise, and experience about individual trees and local varietals, ideal growing conditions, and more.

A professional arborist can help your trees, young and old, thrive. They analyze soil, inspect the trunk and leaves, and consider all possible environmental factors that can impact the growth cycle.

A professional tree service saves you money!

In some cases, you need to spend money to save money. When it comes to keeping safe, healthy trees, it holds.

Consider it this way – tree branches left to grow unchecked can become very heavy, increasing the risk of breaking and falling, inflicting damage on someone or something beneath. In the end, fixing damage to your property will cost a lot more than paying a professional tree service to maintain your trees.

Additionally, hiring a knowledgeable professional to remove damaged, dead, or inconveniently growing trees will save you time and money in the long run. The bottom line: it saves to be proactive. When it comes to your trees, being reactive can be pretty costly.

Enhances the value of your property

There's nothing more inviting than a yard full of healthy, mature trees. Trees frame and provide shade for your home, easily add charm and atmosphere to your yard, and increase curb appeal.

When you take the time and invest in a professional tree service to care for your trees, they will be healthy and safe and always look their best.  

For more information about what a certified arborist and professional tree service can do for you, please CONTACT US.